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tv   CBS This Morning  KPIX  February 1, 2013 7:00am-9:00am PST

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river. >> can i get in there with a gun? >> no. >> i can get in there with a bomb? >> no. a pilot from alaska airlines from lax to seattle passed out and made an emergency landing in portland. >> he's sitting in a seat and very aware, last i heard he was on oxygen. the hostage standoff in alabama entering its fourth day. mayor of new york city from 1978 until 1989 ed koch has died. i did not feel comfortable taking a risk. it was about the president and the inauguration. ♪ the brave ♪ any questions? monthly jobs numbers, the unemployment rate is now 7.9% 157,000 jobs were added. three people are dead in a massive traffic pile-up. meanwhile ten people were injured in a pile-up west of indianapolis. all that -- >> we'd like to --
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>> are you sloppy? >> yeah. >> are you -- >> this is horrible. why did i even rush here? >> oh, shut up, dave. he's from nebraska he's a war hero. >> he's from nebraska that's a qualification? >> all that matters. >> new orleans hosts a big party. >> on "cbs this morning." >> some say their favorite part of the super bowl game is the commercials. >> ooh that really targets their key demographic. 14-year-old boys making $500,000 a year. captioning funded by cbs welcome to "cbs this morning" from super bowl park at jackson square new orleans. we want to get right to some breaking news from ankara turkey. >> as you were sleeping in the west, a suicide bomber set off an explosion outside the american embassy, killing himself and one other person.
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mark phillips is in london. mark, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, norah, charlie. the attack is said to have been by a suicide bomber and took place at one of the security guards to the embassy building. the actual attack was captured in this cell phone footage. the bomber seems to have self-detonated inside the guard building, blowing the door off its hinges. turkish security guard was killed. there was at least one other serious injury outside. the main embassy building does not appear to have been damaged. none of the staff there hurt. the u.s. ambassador offered his sympathies to the family of the guard. >> from today's event it's clear we both suffer from this terrible, terrible problem of today's world and we're determined after events like this only more to cooperate together until we defeat this problem together. >> turkey has seen a number of terror attacks over the years, organized not just by islamist militants but by internal groups. turkey state tv says the bomber was a suspected member of a far left group within the country,
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and this is the week when a u.s. patriot missile unit is due to go into service in turkey. >> mark phillips thanks. here in new orleans we're two days away from super bowl xlvii. 150,000 people are expected here this weekend, and kicking off the party yesterday, beyonce, she finally answered critics of her last performance as she gets ready for another worldwide audience. jeff glor is just down the road from us at the superdome. jeff? good morning. >> reporter: charlie, good morning. yeah, on the field right now and for all the speculation about what will happen during the game, there has been a decent amount of talk about the halftime performer and yesterday she gave a little pregame warmup. ♪ o, say can you see ♪ >> reporter: at a press conference thursday, beyonce's acapella anthem became an unofficial start to the super
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bowl weekend. as she ended speculation about whether or not she was lip syncing on inauguration. not ♪ the brave ♪ any questions? it was about the president and the inauguration and i wanted to make him and my country proud, so i decided to sing along with my pre-recorded track. >> reporter: but come sunday -- >> i will absolutely be singing live. i am well rehearsed and i will absolutely be singing live. this is what i was born to do, what i was born for. ♪ >> reporter: new orleans appears ready for everything the game will bring taking advantage of sunny skies, both teams practice in part outside thursday while their nfl colleagues enjoyed the atmosphere. >> we're really excited here to have the super bowl back in new orleans. >> reporter: at a benefit for st. jude's the manning family expressed pride for their hometown. >> new orleans knows how to host a big party.
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>> reporter: and as the sun sets fireworks lit up the sky over the mississippi, announcing at rifle of super bowl xlvii official roman numerals l.e.d. screens paid tributes to games of the past, as the crowd looked forward to the contest in the near future. >> go ravens! >> caw, caw! >> i got goosebumps talking to you right now. i'm 48 years old never been to the super bowl this is the best and my team is here. >> reporter: the super bowl is expected to bring half a billion dollars to new orleans and the weather has improved dramatically since we've been here, of course the game remains indoors. charlie, norah? >> jeff glor thank you. still ahead on "cbs this morning," we'll talk with jack and jackie harbaugh the parents of both super bowl coaches, two-time super bowl mvp eli manning will also be here and we'll preview the big game with jim nantz and phil sims of cbs sports. updating a developing story
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a kindergarten student remains a hostage in an underground bunker this morning. manuel bojorquez is in midland city, alabama, with the latest on the disturbing drama now in its fourth day. manuel, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, norah and charlie and good morning to our viewers out west. short time ago a state trooper told us the situation did not change overnight. we're hearing the boy is now crying for his parents. his mother is described as hanging on by a thread. hostage negotiators have been communicating with suspects jimmy lee dykes through a four-inch-wide pvc pipe that runs 16 feet into the bunker where dykes remains with his 5-year-old captive. >> negotiators continue to communicate with the suspect, and there's no reason to believe the child has been harmed. >> reporter: the two have been underground since tuesday afternoon, when dykes stormed onto a school bus and shot driver charles poland jr. four
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times, killing him. according to published reports, poland held the gunman at the front of the bus while 21 children escaped out the back. the gunman grabbed two children but one managed to break free. he then kidnapped a boy now identified as ethan. the six foot by eight-foot space has electricity and supplies. police were able to develop food and medication to the boy who has special needs. he's also been able to watch television. reportedly dykes has asked for nothing while refusing to release the child. the fbi stays in contact with dykes during the day and lets him sleep at night. >> why the shooter does not release this young boy to his family is hard for me to understand. >> reporter: dykes is no stranger to law enforcement. six months ago he reportedly beat ronda wilbur's dog to death and terrorized neighbors. >> he would come out yelling, screaming, cussing, things that can't be said on air. >> reporter: and when dykes moved here a year ago he invited
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neighbor jimmy davis to see the underground bunker now at the center of the standoff. >> he's always seemed like a weird person i always thought that was just the way is he. >> reporter: a warrant filed last month accused dykes of shooting at davis, after he flagged down his truck. >> by the third time i told him he needed to calm down mr. jimmy dykes turned around and ran probably 30-foot to his van and pulled out a pistol. i floored the truck and i got away from there. >> this guy is an accident waiting to happen. this guy is going to snap. >> reporter: local officials say dykes have been known to spend up to eight days in that underground bunker and he may have supplies to last even longer. charlie and norah? >> juan del bojorquez thanks. an alaskan airlines made an emergency landing in portland after the pilot passed out. the jet was over oregon when the pilot lost consciousness. the co-pilot declared an
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emergency and landed the plane. doctor on board treated the pilot, who regained consciousness. there were 116 passengers and five crew members on the boeing 737. former new york city mayor ed koch died overnight. koch served three terms from 1978 to 1989. he rescued the city from near financial ruin. koch gained a national reputation for his outspoken style and his trademark question, "how am i doing?" his spokesperson says koch died of congestive heart failure. ed koch was 88 years old and you knew him well. >> he had a love for his city that was matched by no one and just loved it. he came out of greenwich village, he beat the tamaeny machine and made it to be mayor. white house official its tell cbs's major garrett they're disappointed with hagel's
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performance at yesterday's confirmation hearing but they do believe the former nebraska senator will be confirmed if only by a slim margin. one of the most damaging exchanges came from hagel's one-time friend and ally senator john mccain over hagel's opposition to the iraq troop surge. >> will you please answer the question, were you correct or incorrect when you said that the surge would be the most dangerous foreign policy blunder in this country since vietnam. were you correct or incorrect? yes or no? >> my reference to the -- >> are you going to answer the question, senator hagel? the question is were you right or wrong? that's a pretty straightforward question. i would like to answer whether you were right or wrong and then you are free to elaborate. >> well, i'm not going to give you a yes or no answer. >> well it will show you refuse to answer this question. >> with us is host of "face the
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nation" and washington correspondent bob schieffer. the white house normally prep their nominees. what does this say about it? >> to me this is the most interesting and intreeging inginintriguing part of this whole deal. onormally the administration rushes out with the defense. he hardly left capitol hill yesterday when reports leaked out of the white house not attributed to any official but they were disappointed thought he did not do very well. it was weird. it's only two things that could have happened here either the white house is absolutely certain that they have every democrat's vote and that he's going to be confirmed, because there are more democrats than republicans in the senate or they were sort of setting chuck hagel up to say, you better think about withdrawing your
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name and we'll get on with something else. this just doesn't happen the way it did yesterday. >> so it might be more damage to the possibility of confirmation? >> i don't think he helped himself. i would say that because it seems to me after the white house's kind of tepid reaction they had, it seems to be saying to democrats if this is a hard vote for you, do what you need to do. >> what do you make of john mccain? >> well, this is a very interesting thing. let's not forget that chuck hagel was john mccain's co-chairman, the co-chairman of his national campaign when he ran for president the first time. these were busosum buddies, vietnam veterans and john mccain says this split is about policy and nothing more until we find other evidence i guess we take him at his word but this is a deep breach, i don't think there's a question about that one. >> "face the nation" this sunday who is your guest? >> we'll have roger goodell, the commissioner of professional
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football. this is super bowl weekend and boy, do we have a few questions for him. i mean when the president of the united states in the days before the super bowl says if i had a son, i'm not sure i'd have to think long and hard about whether i wanted him to play football that tells you that football and questions about it go beyond just the super bowl. this is something that has to do with the whole american psyche and their whole american culture. >> bob schieffer in the spirit thank you, we'll be watching. and the job market held steady last month, 157,000 were added in january and the labor department says hiring was stronger over the past two years than previously thought. but the unemployment rate rose 0.1% to 7.9%. for the second time in two days, a major american newspaper says chinese hackers have infiltrated its computers. it has been happening for the last several months. meanwhile at the pentagon officials are looking at big
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changes in how they fight cyber terror. bob orr is in washington. >> those attacks on the "new york times" and "wall street journal" are part of a plot to crack critical systems inside of the u.s. cyber detectives traced the computer break-ins at "the new york times" and "wall street journal" to government hackers inside china. chinese deny the allegations calling them not professional and groundless but both papers say there is evidence hackers stole reporters' passwords and attempted to monitor coverage of the chinese government. newspapers are just the latest targets. sources say state-sponsored spies mostly from china every day infiltrate a broad spectrum of government and business networks inside the u.s. >> cyber, i believe, represents as big a threat to the security
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of this country as any one specific threat. >> reporter: at his confirmation hearing thursday secretary of defense nominee chuck hagel warned computer-based attacks could be crippling. >> it's an insidious, quiet kind of a threat that we've never quite seen before. it can par lies a nation in a second. >> reporter: for now, the damage is economic cyber spies and criminal hackers are stealing corporate secrets worth an estimated $250 billion a year from u.s. businesses. but officials worry more about potential strikes against critical infrastructure power grids, transportation systems, and financial networks. >> they can wage war against the west electronically. >> reporter: former fbi cyber chief sean henry says while no attack against an infrastructure has occurred one can happen. radical groups are calling for internet jihad. >> that should be a wake-up call
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for all of us. the same people who wanted to impact our country flying planes into our country 11 years ago are looking for ways to do it electronically and remotely. >> the pentagon is looking to expand its cyber security forces. the so-called cyber command will grow five-fold over the next few years from 900 employees presently to nearly 5,000 personnel. time to show you some of this morning's headlines from around the globe. "haaretz" says there are more protests in egypt, thousands are calling for the oust e of president mohamed morsi and his islamic administration. the atlanta journal constitution" says there's been een a shooting at the middle school the victim a 14-year-old student shot in the back of the neck. another student is in custody. cardinal roger mahoney has been relieved of public duties for his handling of sex abuse of children decades ago. another top official resigned
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his post. "the washington post" says the justice department is trying to block a merger between beer giant anheuser-busch inbev and crow ma. the $20 billion deal they say would raise prices for consumers. bad weather is blamed for this huge accident yesterday on interstate 75 in detroit. three people were killed two of them were children. drivers say there were whiteout conditions at the time. it was also snowing in plainfield indiana, west of indianapolis when ten people were hurt in a crash on interstate 70, some three dozen vehicles were involved including a truck carrying three elephants. they are all okay. unbelievably cold back there but a lot of sunshine around the bay area. we have the ridge of high pressure overhead and the sun coming up on what looks like another beautiful day outside. couple of patches of ground fog showing up in the valleys, otherwise looking good.
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30s and 40s so far. by the afternoon, sunshine and 60s in the coastline. 67 degrees in santa rosa. 66 in oakland, and 66 also in san jose. looking like a great weekend. maybe some rain, though, late next week. >> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by kay jewelers. every kiss begins with kay. the super bowl is a super challenge foresecurity.
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former fbi insider gives us access inside the preparations that's only on "cbs morning news," he'll show us what the government is doing to protect new orleans. if you want to see the history and romance of this great city, just ride the whale. >> new orleans thinks of it as a streetcar named progress ready just in time for the super bowl. i'm mark strassmann and we're going to take you for a ride and taste of the real new orleans ahead on "cbs this morning." >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by the hilton hhonors any weekend anywhere sale. visit
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♪ every year we hear stories about security at the super bowl, but this morning, we're going behind the scenes like no one else has. former fbi insider john miller with a one-of-a-kind look at what's being done to stop an attack, only on "cbs this morning." your local news is next. attacks only this is a cbs 5 eyewitness news morning update. hi everyone and good morning, 7:26. i'm frank mallicoat. get you caught up with bay area headlines, the man sought in the amber alert actually turned
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himself into the police but told oakland police he did not take a one-year-old girl but the woman who reported the abduction early this morning. no injuries in an early morning fire in san francisco, a bit of a mess there, though and do brothers jim and john harbaugh praying each other during the joint news conference this morning. harbaugh says it's the players and not the coaches that get them to the super bowl. probably combination of both though. traffic and weather coming up right after the break. u-verse wireless receiver that let you move the tv away from the tv outlet. we can move it to the kitchen, the patio, the closet and almost anywhere. why would you want a tv in the closet? [ both laugh ] ♪ ♪ [ fancy voice ] brilliant idea, darling. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] the wireless receiver. get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible. (woman)
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you head pleasant hit and the bay bridge, metering lights on. but not too bad. a lot of sunshine coming our way, a couple patches of fog in the valley. a little lazy over san jose and the rest of the bay area. temperatures freezing in fairfield, 32 degrees. 48 in san francisco. this afternoon we're enjoying sunshine to the coast with those numbers up into the 60s. a beautiful weekend. a few more clouds. otherwise staying nice and dry through at least wednesday.
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♪ welcome back to "cbs morning news" from super bowl park at jackson square new orleans. we reported earlier that a suicide bomber set off an explosion this morning outside
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the united states embassy in ankara turkey. the u.s. ambassador to turkey said one guard was killed. senior correspondent john miller is with us. two big questions, number one, what are the concerns what do we know and what are the questions being asked? >> the key concern is that it's a first in a series? they will ratchet up security as a result of it. the other concern as you framed it is attribution, who is behind it, and because we're early in the game the choices are many. you have syria, turkey has opposed bashir ashadassad's regime and the iranian revolutionary guard network that operates in turkey and certainly they've had their problems with turkey and of course you have the al qaeda elements in north africa which you know are now being fought by the french but the u.s. air assets are helping the french move in and that makes the west and the u.s. part of that target package.
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so it's too early to say who is behind it, but the turks also have a very sophisticated intelligence service and that picture will develop through the day. >> we also want to talk about security much closer here to home, we know that's the story you're covering here in new orleans and john has been given unprecedented access to look at some of the efforts to keep the super bowl safe. that is the story you will see only right here on "cbs this morning." >> reporter: by land, air and sea, an alphabet soup of local, state and federal agencies along with nfl security are working around the clock to make sure nothing happens off the field on sunday. >> we've got at least 70 agencies participating in covering this event. >> reporter: mike anderson is the special agent in charge of the new orleans fbi. from this joint operations center, they're looking at classified intelligence updates on terrorism overseas but also tracking every incident in the area. but if something happened that
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log would start to tick down minute by minute information about a car bomb a bomb threat a hostage situation, whatever it was. >> absolutely, the capabilities of that system can go into incredible detail so that will be going off like a ticker tape. >> i know you're going to do a great job. >> reporter: in a downtown new orleans hotel police superintendent ron serpas gave a pep talk to the cops some of the public will see on the street. later in a converted cotton house we saw the hidden articles of special operations teams and tools that the service hopes the public will never see. sume if you have to pull this thing out something bad has happened. >> something bad is not going to happen because we're going to make sure we're safe but if we have to do anything that's aggressive which occurs this particular piece of equipment protects the officers and protects the people we're going to remove from a hostage situation. >> reporter: as part of the plan more than 1,200 officers will work 12-hour shifts straight through super bowl sunday.
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you you >> you cover everything soup to nuts, air, water, ground subterranean, deployment patterns, where are the special assets going to be. >> reporter: inside the stadium, jeff miller head of nfl security, is focused on protecting the players and fans. >> what we try to do is do what we believe is necessary and appropriate, but do it in a way that the fans understand what we're doing and don't suffer because of it. >> from this command post they track everything coming into the superdome, 4,000 private security guards have been hired and all cargo is inspected by customs and border patrol agents before entering the venue. >> there's so many different steps from walk-through metal detectors to pat-downs to x-rays to k-9 explosive teams. >> reporter: just days before the big game teams of homeland security agents engaged intactical exercises. >> police!
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>> reporter: for any imagine scenario. as i walk towards the 50 yard line with secretary of homeland security janet napolitano i asked about the current threat picture. >> we need to constantly challenge ourselves with the what if this what if that what if there were someone who managed to get an ied in here as small a likelihood as that is. what if someone had a toxic substance? those are scenarios that we think about, we plan for. >> reporter: or there's that 9/11 scenario a terrorist attack using an aircraft. we went up with customs and border protection agents who will be enforcing a 30-mile temporary flight restriction zone or tfr around the stadium on sunday. >> we're flying over the superdome here we're kind of in the bull's eye of the temporary flight restriction area right? >> we are, we are. we want to do our best to make sure everybody has a safe and
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fun experience and never knows we're even here. >> so the possibility of a plane, a real threat and they have time to take care of the threat? >> so that's why they have this layered approach. charlie, there has about the none a super bowl since 9/11 when they put in that restricted air space, where some plane hasn't flown into it and they've had to come up on that plane, call them on the radio, lead them down to an air field, question them, who are you, what were you doing and in most cases it's just a mixup, they didn't know where the restricted air space was but that's why you have these two doughnuts. the 30-mile area thing is so when a plane comes in they can start that process, identify the aircraft what's its intent where is it going? can we escort it out. if you get as far as that ten-mile radius where the superdome is the bull's eye there, then you're going to see much more aggressive action and that's when those f-15s that are right across the river here and we've seen them running around in the sky practicing, that's
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where they're going to come up alongside you and their options are to escort you down or take you down. and that's a big decision. we haven't seen that. >> who makes the decision? >> well ideally that would be a call that would go up to the white house but that's if there's time. somewhere in the chain there's a commander who can make this call. it's never been done. >> you talk about the security outside the air perimeters. what's going on inside the superdome we might not be able to see. >> a lot you're not able to see. ideally you'll see what looks like a happy, safe football game, but there are what they call hit teams, one northerly fire department hazmat technician technician, one bomb technician and fbi agent moving in groups of three throughout the crowd. that means if they see a disbursal device put willing out chemicals or a suspicious package that may be a bomb. at that point it's not an option to evacuate the building or to stop the game so they're right there, ready to do a hand entry
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into that package and try to render it safe. >> do we know of any credible threats? >> you know no credible threats that are on the radar, but they'll never find comfort in the idea that they don't know about a threat. they just assume there's one out there and plan for it. >> john miller thank you very much for that. and nearly 180 years ago, the first streetcar made its way through new orleans. now there's a new addition to the family. we'll take you along for a look at the streetcar's past and future, and tomorrow winston marsalis explores the meaning of this city's signature song "when the saints go marching in" as we joining you for "cbs this morning saturday."
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♪ with 150,000 fans showing up for the big game the city's public transit system has been gearing up. the first used streetcar line in more than a decade was just finished in time and mark strassmann is taking us for quite a ride you can see him now, mark? >> reporter: good morning, norah and charlie. i'm riding on the loyola avenue streetcar line in downtown new orleans, the city's newest streetcar line ready just in time for the super bowl. i want to show you what's going on outside here this is the view as we head on loyola avenue toward the heart of the party 'til you drop famous french quarter in this city. these cars are a way to get around new orleans but they are also time capsules on tracks. on any new orleans streetcar, time stops to go along for the ride. these green cars run along the st. charles avenue line the
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world's oldest in service since 1835. ♪ riders call these the red ladies, whether they're running late to work or like blanch du bois running from her past. >> they told me a streetcar named desire. >> there's your car now. >> we're connecting the line to the canal street line. >> reporter: barbara major, born and raised here gave us a tour of the same streetcar she took as a kid. you remember when you were riding it when you were little? >> oh my god, yeah. i remember not only riding when i was little i look good for my age but i remember riding when i could only ride in the back and so for me this is an amazing journey. i want to emphasize the economic development -- >> reporter: these days major rides up front. she runs the rta, the city's mass transit system chairing its board of commissioners. there is a bit of time travel
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when you step on one of those. >> oh my god, yeah. you go back but thank god you don't go all the way back. it's time travel in a great way, so yeah it is. it's a great kind of time travel. >> reporter: the loyola avenue line, the city's fourth and newest one, now becomes part of its future. construction began in june of 2011 and cost $53 million to lay a track that ones 1/8 mile and connects the french quarter to the superdome. pressure to get it done in time for the super bowl? >> absolutely absolutely. jr. dustin augustine the transit authority's ceo shows you the the carrollton bar uptown the only place in the world that makes these cars. since 1892 craftsmen and the depot have built and maintained them. under this roof, by hand pieces are welded sanded and assembled, as they have for generations. even these mahogany benches.
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the new loyola line opened this past monday. ♪ rider alsos will take it to the superdome on sunday some from baltimore, others from san francisco, another city famed for its street cars. people talk about san francisco -- >> it's cute and all that. it's not new orleans. i'm not mad at san francisco, you know what i'm saying you come here for the super bowl and i'm cool with that and i love all you guys spend your money but your trolley ain't got nothing for my streetcar. >> reporter: if you want basic transportation, ride a bus, but for a taste of the real new orleans, hop on a green car, or wait for a red lady. ♪ do you know what it means to miss new orleans ♪ >> it floats andslow and smooth but gets you to where you want to go. new orleans, we're slow smooth but we get to you where you want to go and the streetcar is so much of that. >> reporter: you're looking down loyola avenue about four blocks from the city's french quarter
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where all the super bowl tourists are in town. these red cars, all 34 of them were destroyed or damaged during katrina, they all had to be rebuilt and they have back in service, 150,000 people in this city for super bowl weekend, many of them will be taking these red cars these red ladies to the superdome to cheer on their team and hope for a big victory in the super bowl. >> mark strassmann thanks. i'm glad they redid the streetcars. >> i am, too, just one more example of the romance of the city that we have given so much fun and excitement for us. >> great to be not a bad place to hang around here either as erelong -- we're looking at sunshine outside. love to see the rain come back. not just yet. in the meantime, lots of sunshine there. 30s and some 40s. still patchy fog as we head toward the afternoon, plenty of
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sunshine, though, everywhere. even 60s toward the coast. the weekend looking good. cooler on saturday. sunday a little bit warmer and the next best chance of rain. mvp twice, eli man something one of them. we'll ask the giants' quarterback and new orleans native what it takes to win the super bowl. plus hear in louisiana the excitement doesn't stop at the water's edge what gayle and norah found when they took a trip out on the bio, that's ahead on "cbs morning news." so much fun. >> is that right? >> itwe had a blast. it was wonderful. on't like that dark roast, we've created a coffee for you. blonde is a beautiful light roasted coffee. kind of mellow, sweet a little citrusy. for me, personally i love connecting with people so blonde roast just gives me a whole nother reason to connect with more customers.
7:47 am
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7:48 am
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or best-ever meatloaf. go to for recipes, plus a valuable coupon. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. [ female announcer ] there are lots of different ways to say get well to your loved ones. ♪ ♪ this came for you, mommy. [ female announcer ] but it takes the touch of kleenex® brand, america's softest tissue to turn a gesture into a complete gift of care. [ barks ] send your own free kleenex® care pack... full of soothing essentials at kleenex®. america's softest tissue. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] every time you say no to a cigarette you celebrate a little win. nicorette gum helps calm your cravings and makes you less irritable. quit one cigarette at a time.
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♪ jack and jackie harbaugh say when their kids and grandkids were born those were the best moments of their lives. the next best moment comes sunday when their sons make super bowl history. we'll meet the parents here in new orleans only on "cbs this morning." ♪
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of sugars. with fifteen grams of protein to help manage hunger... look who's getting smart about her weight. [ male announcer ] glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes. [ female announcer ] neil lane designs for hollywood's biggest stars. let's have a look. who is it for? it's for becky. she must be important. [ neil ] oh, she is. now, he designs for the star in your life. becky, will you marry me? yes! neil lane bridal. uniquely beautiful hand-crafted rings from hollywood's master of vintage glamour. at kay jewelers -- the number one jewelry store in america. [ neil ] every woman should feel like a star. ♪ every kiss begins with kay ♪
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this is a cbs 5 eyewitness news morning update. good morning everyone 7:56 i'm frank mallicoat with your headlines on from friday. we have following a bizarre
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amber alert. a woman reported her one one- year-old was abducted by tolefree. and tolefree turned himself in and said there is no child at all. nudists plan to protest the law at city hall. they will do it all natural. a judge dismissed the lawsuit by the nudist trying to overturn the pan. more on that and your traffic, too, coming up right after the break.
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good morning, in san jose is backed up again this time because of an accident on old brock line role. it is clear but you can see a long line of brake lights heading into san jose and sunnyvale. and slow going into milpitas. and bay bridge getting word of a stall. metering lights are on.
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that's traffic. here's lawrence. that sunshine looking good, at least in most spots. ground fog in the valleys a hazy sunshine. looking good toward the golden gate bridge and it looks like the temperatures a little chilly in spots right now. 30s and 40s but bit the afternoon enjoying that sunshine and 67 degrees in santa rosa. 66 in san jose and 66 in oakland. next couple days, the weekend looks dry. maybe some rain late next week. [ female announcer ] safeway presents real big deals of the week. or how to get great prices on things you need. we know you look around for the best deals. that's why we give you real big club card deals each week. right now best foods mayonnaise is just $2.77. so pile it on. pizza is served. digiorno pizza is just $3.88. and here's a treat. dreyer's ice cream is only $2.88. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life.
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good morning, everybody. it is 8:00 a.m. and welcome back to super bow ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ from super bowl park at jackson square in new orleans, it's a super bowl like no other. as the harbaugh brothers take each other on an interview you'll see only an "cbs this morning," we'll ask their mom and dad how they are coping. eli manning also comes from a football dynasty. the two-time super bowl mvp will be here. first, here is a look at today's "eye opener at 8." the bomber seems to have self detonated inside the guard building. >> breaking news from turkey. >> the suicide bomber set off an explosion outside the american embassy killing himself and one other victim. an emergency landing last night after the pilot passed out. the jet was over oregon when the pilot lost consciously. >> former new york mayor ed koch died last night. >> he was an indomitable spirit.
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he had a love for his city. a kindergarten student remains a hostage in an underground bunker this morning. >> we're hearing the boy is now crying for his parents. it was stunning to hear the white house is disappointed in hagel's performance at that hearing. >> they thought he didn't do very well. it was weird. they'll never find comfort in the idea they don't know about a threat. they just assume one is out there and they plan for it. >> we need to constantly challenge ourselves with the what if this what if that. >> the trolley ain't got nothing -- >> a decent amount of talk about that half-time performer, and yesterday she gave a little pregame warmup. ♪ ♪ >> i will absolutely be singing live. i will rehearse. i'm charlie rose with gayle
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king and norah o'donnell. they may be the most famous parents in the country this weekend. they are certainly the proudest. >> that's for sure. jack and jackie harbaugh will be watching their sons face off as coaches in their first ever sibling super bowl match-up. wow. older brother john will lead the ravens against the 49ers coached by jim and mr. and mrs. harbaugh join us at the table. we are so thrilled you guys game. >> thank you. and we said wow, wow. >> that's how we feel. >> jack, we saw you guys out on the town the other night. you said it hasn't really sunk in yet. 48 hours and counting. has it sunk in? >> getting a little closer. >> everybody says you've got to enjoy the moment. is that going to be possible for you two? >> we're hoping. one thing, the message that john and jim gave us both on different occasions was please mom and dad, please enjoy this. we're really trying. >> you are. we've seen you around.
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you're having a good time. >> and we are enjoying it. i think today i've kind of felt that way because i think once the game starts, they will be so well prepared and once i get into the game i will relax and enjoy the game back and forth. of course i know my daughter at home would say sure right. >> daughter joanie. >> joanie. >> another j. >> where will you be sitting? i heard you don't want to be seen on camera during the game. why is that? >> it's about the players. there's 106 players that their entire lives they've been preparing for this moment out in the back yards of neighborhoods, visualizing what it's like to be in the sooep super bowl. the coaching staffs through high school junior high school and college, through this particular moment. the less we see of jack and jackie, the more we'll see of those players and coaches.
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>> can you sum up how the two sons of yours are different and how they will handle victory or defeat? >> well, i really can't tell you how they will handle it and we don't look at them as being so different because really they're morale like. i think they are each other's best friends growing up together playing together. and for me they're both alike because they're so caring and concerned and they've done so much in all the communities where they have lived throughout their adult life. so that's what makes us proud is what they've done with their families. >> i got advice from jack elway a long time ago when jim was a junior at palo alto high school. he mentioned any time you have two youngsters like this and you compare you're demeaning one or the other.
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we try not to compare and try to find similarities in the two. >> can i ask you -- obviously your two sons in the spotlight and your daughter joanie. you have three incredibly successful children. parents across america want to know how do you do it? how do you have such successful kids? what are the lessons to impart? >> i think some of the lessons, you have to take each day as it comes. for me i tried to be consistent i tried to be consistent in what i was saying to them and what i -- i want to say expected of them. but i expected them always to do their very very best no matter what they were doing, and if they decided they wanted to participate in a game or a sport, then they should follow it through. and if at the end they didn't care to do it then that's different. >> we had a thing in our family that was really interesting. it started a long time time ago, way back in iowa. attack this day with an
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enthusiasm unknown to mankind. >> yes! that's how we start our show every morning. >> if you got through the day, sometimes good times, sometimes bad days the next morning you wake up and attack this day with an enthusiasm. when you look back it's a journey, a process day by day but a journey overall. >> now we know. >> we know you don't do many interviews, we thank you. you're terrific. >> it's been great, thank you. >> jack and jackie harbaugh congratulations in advance of your son's team winning
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' linemaning knows what it tabs to win a super bowl and he knows what it's like to have parents with a tough choice on game day. we'll ask eli about that and who he likes on sunday, next on "cbs this morning." >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener at 8" is brought to you by our sponsor with the inside story on shingles. ody had set a bag of hot charcoal on my neck. i had no idea it came from chickenpox. it's something you never want to encounter. for more of the inside story visit
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( birds chirping ) everything's better with a great cup of coffee. exceptionally smooth and perfectly balanced for a harmonious blend of flavor, body and aroma. green mountain coffee for your keurig brewer. brew a better day.
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♪ ♪ ♪ eli manning is a native son of new orleans and a star quarterback for the new york giants. during manning's nine-year nfl career he's led the seem to the super bowl twice, earning mvp honors in 2008 and 2012. though he won't be playing, he'll be busy as a spokesman for gatorade. good morning. >> good morning. >> who are you rooting for? >> i will be watching and taking it all in. i guess i'd probably root for the n ffrnltsc a little more and go to san francisco to stay within the conference. it should be an exciting game. >> take us into the mind of the quarterback and how do they look
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at this game? >> i think you've got to -- you really have to tell yourself hey, i've got to be patient and win this game on the first play. i think that's something peyton talked to me about, just have your game plan and stick to it and try to get the game to the fourth quarter and try to win it there. you're in the big spotlight. you know it's the biggest game of your life you have to be careful not to go out there and try to do things to get you into trouble. >> the train -- >> that's part of it. >> a very nice moment in the studio as the harbaughs were leaving. you said hello mr. and mrs. harbaugh, eli manning, so nice to meet you. >> i know what they're going through a little bit. what my dad had to do when peyton and i play. >> he said your dad called him to give him advice. what would be your advice, brother going against brother? what is that like eli?
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>> it's got to be exciting for them. i know my parents have also said, as much as they want to do the super bowl every year, if we were both in the super bowl it would be very hard for them. it would be exciting for one son knowing one son has lost especially the biggest game. this week the last two weeks, there's been exciting form. proud of both their sons like both my parents would be. i think sunday night after the game it's going to be a mix of emotions obviously. >> in many years this has been the year of the quarterback, remarkable performances. when we look at the san francisco quarterback, does he represent the quarterback of the future in terms of big and fast and can run as well as past? >> i think if those guys are out there -- it's hard to get that combination of speed and being able to throw the ball accurately and a big guy. collin has done a great job. he's worked hard he is very talented. there's always a spot for that pocket passer like myself or like my brother and a bunch of
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other guys. if you can get a quarterback who can run around or run this read option it adds another dimension to your offense. >> you're here. you're also a spokesperson for gatorade. i have to ask you about a 12-ounce thing of gatorade i think about 21 grams. what do you think about the talk of sugary drinks and the obesity crisis. >> gatorade is for an athlete, someone working out. you need the electrolytes that's what gatorade has done i've been working with them since 2005. they've elevated the importance of fueling your body before during and after your workouts. now they're installing gatorade-fueled bars in the locker rooms. not only do you have all the products, you have all the information to fuel your body, your nutrition, what you need to be taking how much you need to be drinking of certain things. you're putting yourself in the best position to perform at your highest level. >> eli, thank you so much great
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to have you here. >> great to be here. >> great to be in your city. also here, ceo less moonves, we'll ask him why he thinks the big game is the best television moment of the year. all of that ahead on "cbs this morning." >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by cappella university. and the need for capable leaders is greater than ever. when you see these problems do you take a step back, or do you want to dive right in? with a degree in business from capella university, you'll have the knowledge to go further in your career than you ever thought possible. let's get started at [ loud party sounds ] hi i'm ensure clear... clear, huh? i'm not juice or fancy water. i've got nine grams of protein. that's three times more than me! [ female announcer ] ensure clear. nine grams protein. zero fat.
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in blueberry/pomegranate and peach. i was in the ambulance and i was told to call my next of kin. at 33 years old, i was having a heart attack. now i'm on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. i didn't know this could happen so young. take control talk to your doctor.
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gone crazy promoting the super bowl. take a look at what i saw on tv. take look at this. >> this sundayed on cbs super bowl 47 'em baltimore ravens with san francisco 49ers. this year's sponsor, dramamine for motion sickness. super bowl xlvii only on cbs. >> stop it.
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i beg of you, stop it. we have company here at jackson square. with us now, leslie moonves, president and ceo will w.h.o. will be inducted into the television hall of fame next month. congratulations and good to have you here. >> thank you. >> tell us about the television and super bowl. >> it's become a national holiday. it is up there with christmas and thanksgiving of america where everybody gets together they celebrate. and obviously it's a phenomenal opportunity for us at the network to show off all the great parts of our company. >> it's great deal around the world it's a huge deal. we're talking hundreds and hundreds and millions of people who will watch the super bowl. it's great. >> i knew we were going to be here and it was going to be a great set but i wasn't expecting all of this. i mean when i drove down the
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street and saw the cbs, i got a lurch looking at this. what goes into planning something this huge? >> literally the day after last year's super bowl we had a meeting in new york city and it really was, okay how do we plan what became this and it was, okay, we want to involve every part of our company, obviously the news guys are here the entertainment guys are here with the talk and craig ferguson is here "the "insider,"" "entertainment tonight," 15 television shows. that's how it starts. you see the diagrams how it's put together and then when they put it together they did a phenomenal job. it's great. >> how important is the nfl to cbs? >> extremely important. it's still the highest rated show we had. there was a five-year period in the '90s where we lost the nfl. our ratings went downover all.
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it's not only great television viewing but it's our greatest marketing tool. on sunday we're going to have a lot of promos to all our great shows from news to sports to entertainment and it's great way. >> i remember when commercials were a million and that was a big deal. now they're up to $4 million. why do they pay that much money? >> it starts out with the audience being a huge number but in addition super bowl commercials get so much attention, which are the best which are the worst, they're written about for days before days after. there's a residual effect on them. >> 15 shows. who's your favorite? her name is norah, his name is charlie, and my name is gayle. >> cbs has had a phenomenal run. we're so proud of you guys what you're doing. of course, it's great you have a
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major presence. >> and your favorite story. >> my favorite story is julie's. >> they are the team calling our super bowl coverage on sunday. that of course, is jim nantz and phil simms. and covering the backstories off the field. they'll be here next on "cbs this morning."
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well, well, well. growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it! today's kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible.
8:23 am
this is a cbs 5 eyewitness news morning update. >> hi everyone it's 8:5 i'm frank mallicoat got your cbs 5 news headlines on this friday. a statewide amber alert is off. police in oakland are saying the child supposedly about soucted did not exist.
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the amber alert, after a woman accused her husband of abducting the child and turns out she made it up. the one alarm fire happened on 5th avenue near cabrio they attacked from the ground level and up on top. damage estimated at $40,000. we have traffic and weather on your friday coming up. stay right there. now. save up to $500 on beautyrest and posturepedic. get a sealy queen set for just $399. even get 3 years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. plus, free delivery, set-up, and removal of your old set. keep more presidents in your wallet. sleep train's presidents' day sale is on now. superior service best selection lowest price guaranteed. ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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good morning, westbound 80 by central avenue an accident just cleared to the right shoulder, still see brake lights all the way down into berkeley. drive 45 minutes. a couple fender benders coming up northbound 101 in san jose to 280 for the second straight morning. probably your best option. bay bridge, where are all the commuters, everything quiet heading toward the pay gates. slight delays onto the bay bridge. here's lawrence. that is good day to get out and enjoy the sunshine. a lot around the bay area and looks like it's going to stick around for the better part of the day. if you can't sneak outside for lunch, looks great. looking toward mount deabout left the numbers running into the 30s in -- -- 40s as you
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make your way inside the bay ask out toward the coastline. by the afternoon, weather will be the story and how nice it's going to be, about 67 degrees in santa rosa. 66 in san jose and 66 in oakland. if you have some weekend plans, a few more clouds likely to flow in across our skies over the weekend. a little bit cooler on saturday before warming right back up on sunday. maybe some rain, though, as we head in toward the middle of next week.
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♪ ♪ ladies and gentlemen, we have the mispronounce asian roundup. you'll find this fascinating. >> renee toy' soap pa.
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>> his father. >> sopo. >> toe'. >> sources say dr. phil and what's his name -- >> it is a hard name. welcome back to "cbs this morning" from super bowl park in jackson square in new orleans. coming up in this half hour neal patrick harris the star of how i met your mother is on his first trip to the big easy. we'll ask about the game, the big news and about his show and, of course, beyonce. >> you'll see gayle and norah take on the louisiana bayou and the alligators that call it home. >> i don't like alligators. time to show you this morning's
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headlines. "the baltimore sun" says local students will get the day off after the super bowl. a handful of schools and businesses will be closed on monday or they'll open later than usual. but if baltimore wins some stores will open right after the game to start selling that ravens gear. >> the "san francisco examiner" say there is's musical super bowl smack talk going on. the san francisco symphony posted one member making cream of raven soup. one says baltimore rules, san francisco drools. >> the times picayune looked at whether san francisco fans or baltimore fans are the best tippers. dancers and managers in local strip clubs say 49er fans are expected to outspend ravens backers because californians have more money. this will be the 18th super bowl to air.
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with us is jim nance and phil simms, lead analyst and former super bowl mvp. good morning. >> hello friends. good morning. >> any sense of momentum? get a feeling for where this is headed for sunday. >> we hope it's headed to over time. i think cbs will be happy about that. >> what are the chances? >> has never been one. >> what's going to make the difference? i'll say this. they both have great momentum. that's why they're in the super bowl. hey got hot at the right time. their teams are healthy. we talked to john harbaugh and jim, too, they love their teams. the team is the one that got them to this chance to win the super bowl and to go down in history. that's what it's about. >> how do you compare the styles of the two coaches, jim and john? >> it's something we've already decided while we're calling the game. we keep saying coach harbaugh not only the audience but our
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director. we'll call them coach jim and coach john during the broadcast. >> john is the older brother. >> by 15 months. >> he has like a cinder personality, polished. jim is a little more hard-edged. it's one of the great stories i've ever seen. >> so much added to this super bowl. >> it really has. >> there always is. there's always great stories in the super bowl. this time, of course it's the coaches. i think they're both a lot alike. you bet the dad is and both of the boys are the same way. jim is still one of the players. he's out there in the field coaching everybody in the middle of it. getting dirty and all that stuff. john is a little more maybe back, a little different. >> we just had the harbaugh parents there. you know them. they're a fabulous couple and obviously three wonderful children. they say they don't want to be seen on camera during the game and distract from the players.
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i'm sure you guys would like to see a shot of them at some point during the game. >> i think we'll find them. you have to reference them during this game. i understand this has got to be really hard for them. they've been really good sports this week coming on the show. that family hopscotched around the country as mr. harbaugh was changing jobs, just a coaching profession. >> what did jim tell us yesterday? >> 11 or 12 times. >> before he went to college. they're a coach's family. it's interesting to see how they know how to deal with winning an losing. in this game one brother will have the ultimate prize and the other the hardest loss of his career. >> what do you say to the quarterbacks in terms of dealing with the pressure and getting loose? >> the nerve also be there when the game starts. you either talk yourself into not being nervous or get hit early. i know it sounds kind of funny.
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how many times have you heard a quarterback say, after being asked when do you get rid of the nerves, when i get hit. it's up to the coaches to make sure the quarterbacks get into the flow of the game quickly so nerves are not a part of it. >> phil simms and jim nance, good to see you guys. is there special prep for the game you do anything you eat? >> right before we go on the air, he slaps me really hard. >> quarterbacks got to hit him. >> phil does that work getting slapped? >> i deserve it. >> thank you so much. the battle of east verses west is about more than the final score. it's about bragging rights to. we sent mo rocco and phil blackstone out to see if one town can outdo the other beyond the field. >> all you have to do is look at
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the mechanical marvel of san francisco's cable carses to understand in this battle baltimore has an uphill fight, beating this city in any category. >> awe cable cars are adorable. of course the baltimore and ohio was america's first railroad. railroad. that's a cable car for grownups. >> you're on the right track if you're heading west because san francisco has unbeatable seafood. check out these huge dung nous crabs at fisherman's wharf. >> the blue crab is the most popular crab it is. it's a maryland must just ask hall of famer cal ripken junior. >> blue crabs, they're the best right here in baltimore. >> don't argue with him. he's in the hall of fame. >> with respect, no team has more hall of fame players than the san francisco giants. the giants have more wins than any other franchise in history. >> well we'll agree to disagree.
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besides, both cities have bay bridges. >> that's right. but our bay bridge is a tenth of a miler longer and it's not even the most famous bridge in town. that title, of course, belongs to the golden gate. >> baltimore has tunnels, some are gold inside. we can't show you right now. it's too dark. >> tunnels, hey, how about this one? a highlight of one of san francisco's two aquariums. >> john, a city only needs one aquarium when it's got the national aquarium located here in baltimore where even the dolphins are ravens fans. great spiral. >> sorry, mo i can't hear you with all the noisy sea lions at peer 59. but what may be music to your ears are some of the songs written about san francisco. tony bennett isn't the only one who left his heart here. >> i can think of one song set here written by a guy named
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francis scott key. you might have heard of it ""the star-spangled banner"," you know, the one people stand up for. >> san francisco's castro neighborhood is where the fight for gay rights has its roots and the rainbow flag made to representative versity was created by san francisco artist gilbert baker in 1978. >> okay. but maryland also has a very flamboyant flag. >> well, plenty of tv shows have been shot in san francisco including "full house." >> "homicide," and "the wire." you don't miss with the city that brought you "homicide" and "the wire." >> tell that to dirty harry. he didn't just race through the streets of san francisco. he cleaned them up. go ahead, mo make my day. >> i'll admit it it can get a little chilly here. it's nice to live in a city with a real winter. >> oh, it can get plenty chilly here when the fog rolls in. mark twain is widely believed to have said the coldest winter i
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ever spent was one summer in san francisco. there's no proof twain ever actually said that but he's just one of the great writers who found inspiration here. >> well edgar alan powe is so be loved by the people of baltimore, they named the football team after one of his poems. now, that's pride. >> both you guys make pretty good arguments about san francisco and baltimore, two great cities. clearly new orleans is the best football city. that's why we're hosting this year's super bowl. whoo dat! >> i think it's pretty clear. the evidence is there, but i'm reporting baltimore is a superior city. >> by the way, where do i get a coat like this? >> you can get it in baltimore. bob is saying he's missing his awning from his summer house. >> i would pay money, charlie rose, to see you in a coat like that. >> he has a sweater that looks great. more on the werth. if you want to watch cal ripken
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junior, teach me how to eat a crab, we have it online. john blackstone and i have more on these two cities. >> you started the week by saying you adore the game of football. you still feel the same way? >> i love football. it's been great. it's been terrific. i'll be at every super bowl from now on. >> thank you mo. when you think football neal patrick harris may not be who comes to mind immediately. guess what? he's here for the big game and the great food.
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i liked the guy and he i liked a guy and he didn't like me and i got a little obsessed. i filled up my journals all about him. eventually there may have been a teen see wean see restraining
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order. >> that's like four years. wow, you must have been a total nut bag. >> i wasn't. ted is right. there is a fine line. anyone can cross it and get obsessed. >> yeah, if you're a total nut bag. >> neal patrick harris is best known these days for his role as barney on "how i met your mother." but right now he joins us here at super bowl park. >> thanks for having me. >> the first time you've been to new orleans. >> exactly. it's been one of the top three places we've been dying to go. marred gra seemed like a lot. then hurricane katrina. it's great to be back and see it doing so well. the food is phenomenal. >> you're up so early. that's the problem. >> we love our jobs. >> neal, i'm glad you got the
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leather memo. >> i know. we're book-ending these two. >> you're here with our fiancee. he's a chef. can we get tips about where you've been eating or favorite meals? >> we've been covering the gamut. i had a musselatta for lunch. we went to a place called revolution. we've been hitting it up. >> have you had the ben yea. >> apparently there's two fave famous ben yea spots. i'll do that after i work up. >> are you a football fan? >> i'm from albuquerque, so we don't really have a home team. >> you were rooting for the patriots to be in the super bowl? >> i did. mr. kraft has been very night. i got to go last year and watch the game. >> we all love bob craft. >> are you pulling for either one? >> i'm pulling for a good game because i don't want it to be a blowout early and it could get
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boring. i'm hoping beyonce reveals a nipple. i'm hoping -- >> you said that with a straight face. you're not hoping that. >> why not? she just had a baby. >> okay. >> you know she's going to give a killer performance. you know something about performing live in front of a crowd. >> i think she's going to be great. i love the press conference she gave. i thought it was a very effective way to win the controversy. >> eighth season of "how i met your mother." >> and they announced the ninth season yesterday. nine and out and that gives the writers an out. >> your last season is coming up. will we find out how you met your mother. >> if we don't reveal that anarchy. they have a whole plan for the ninth season. it's been a really dream job. i would like to keep doing it
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for eternity. >> don't you love the sound we have here. >> live tv. >> i thought that was you. oh, that's a plane, right. >> the joy of broadcasting outside. >> i love it. i love it. this is fun. the city has been -- you can feel the history on the street. >> you really can. everywhere you look someone threw up there. >> i'm glad you -- >> it's a clean city. >> it's very clean. >> glad you completed one thing on your bucket list. >> thank you. >> thank you for coming. you'll be watching beyonce, too, on sunday. we may not have been born on the bayou, but norah and i spent the afternoon there along with a couple of gaters and birds, too. we'll take you there next on "cbs this morning."
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new orleans is known for is culture, cuisine, and the french quarters. >> but beyond the krenlts city and beyond the bayous that surround it, gayle and i discovered another world yesterday. born on the mississippi river new orleans is arguably best themed for its famous waters. but to get a sense of its soul you have to get out of the city and onto the bayou. >> so norah, you saw the sign. you're not pregnant are you. no pregnant women. >> i don't have any of those problems. >> our guide for the day,
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captain ernie adams, proudly born and raised here. >> you know ernie, you can't say louisiana without smiling, can you? say it. >> louisiana. >> you can't say it without smiling. >> it's a good place. >> filled with cypress trees and wild the bayou is a lifeline for the area. >> the bayou's main job is to keep everybody north of us dry. nature made these bayous to keep these waters flowing. >> it can also be a lot of fun. >> i feel the need for speed. >> i no longer feel the need for speed. that could have been a depends moment. >> besides quick turns and open air, the bayou is also known for its beasts. >> there's gator looking at you guys right there.
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>> where? where. >> good day like today to spot them. always look in the sun because they're always looking to warm themselves up. >> these alligators will eat anything they can sink their teeth into. >> i never thoultd they would eat marshmallows. >> it's marsh. they eat marshmallows. >> as ernie promised we hadn't seen anything yet. >> no, no no. >> oh, you scared him. >> i scared him? >> is this the depends moment you talked about? >> you got it. >> we both managed to cop around to her. >> now what? >> at least for a little while. >> then you tap him on the head. >> ernie, ernie -- >> beyond the gators we discovered just what it is they love about their bayous.
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they play an important role and provide a backdrop to their lives that is in a word beautiful. >> seems like a fun trip. >> it actually was, charlie. it was. it was a beautiful place. >> and of course we brought something back for you. >> i would have been on the trip, except i was out of town yesterday afternoon. >> i love this. >> i bet you don't have one those. >> i don't. what great day. harbaughs are hue, les moon december. there's more coming. up next your local news.
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this is a cbs 5 eyewitness news morning update. good morning everyone 8:55 on a friday. i'm frank mallicoat with your cbs 5 headlines. an amber alert has been lifted after a claim of an about destructed child turned out to be a hoax. she claimed her husband kid her
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one-year-old d kidnapped her -- her husband kidnapped her one- year-old child but she admitted she made it all up. after the second straight quarter the department is declining in terms of reforming. he says that's especially true when it comes to investigating complaints and reporting officer misconduct. today oakland will start providing municipal identification cards for residents. they are designed for people without other forms of id including undocumented immigrants. they cost $15 each or $10 if you're a senior or minor and they have an optional debit card function on them as well. let's find out our forecast from lawrence. a little hazy in spots right now, but sailing in toward the afternoon, should be a great day. overlooking san jose. beautiful there. still 30s showing up until the
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valley. it's a chilly start in some places. 67 in santa rosa. over the weekend, a few more clouds. temperatures above average. maybe rain toward the latter part of the next week. we're going to check out your time saver traffic coming up next.
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good morning, we're still following a couple of slow spots. this is the 7 car crash,
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southbound 101 approaching university avenue. very slow. the good news they just reopened all lanes within the last few minutes. as you can see from the sensors 280 is probably the west bet. webb 237 in mill -- westbound 237 in milpitas stop and go, an earlier catch on westbound approaching 201. bay bridge, one of our biggest back ups we've e seen so far of the morning. five minutes to get you onto the span. have a great weekend.
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>> rachael: philly cheesesteak nachos. >> giving nachos a high five. >> rachael: bacon burger nachos. >> announcer: five ways to enjoy your favorite snack. >> rachael: touchdown! [cheers and applause] >> rachael: welcome, everybody, welcome. of course everybody has their pom-poms and their number one fingers here today because we are all excite body super bowl sunday, it's just two days away. it's time for one of our favorite shows of the season annual super bowl cookoff. [cheers and applause] >> rachael: save it up, i don't know who is playing yet. three n.f.l. players will battle it out for best game day


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